Monday, November 3, 2008

O so much FUN!

Callin loves his Daddy! Cal is such a blessing in our lives and we are so lucky to have such an amazing little boy... isn't he just beautiful!
Here is our little guy in his TOO BIG costume...

Callin loves to dance with his dad... his favorite moves are the moon walk and the bum slide!
I was just wondering how such a little man can take over such a big bed!
Callin loves his polka dotted doughnut... but not as much as we love him!


Blooming Mommy said...

Pštros s pštrosicí a malými pštrosáčaty. say that 5 and a half times fast. You guys make some cute kids, i think you should have about 9 or 15 of them. Im glad you guys are doing well. Keep up the good work, and no matter how big your bed is the baby turns it into a twin size one! We cant wait to see you at christmas time. Yay...mostly the baby, but you guys too. :) get used to that, people go straight for the baby....the parents don't matter anymore...We are just the robots that make the baby's! We dont merit attention just the thanks for breeding and producing adorable children who in tern will turn into ugly robots who are only invited to visit for sunday dinner or holidays for one reason....oh, i uh, got a little crazy there.

Vanessa said...

cuteness!! i love his precious halloween costume :) how did you like delivering at Orem Community?! that's where i REALLY want to deliver.

Vanessa said...

....when i get pregnant, that is. ha! getting a little ahead of myself :)

Heather and AD said...

Oh he is so cute! Isn't it just so much fun! I hope the recovery is going well! I have no idea what it's like to recover from a c-section but I'm sure it can't be easy!