Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moving... Logan... Update

Here we are in Logan... Cal is taking a bath... Love him!
So here we go... We moved up to Logan this week right after we finished all of our finals! Happy to say we both did very well this semester and the weather was great for the move (day before and after after rained) So on our way up to Logan we stopped at a gymnastics club in town and I got a job!! yea! So Brock will be studying for the MCAT and working a couple days a week with his cousin. And i will be Coaching at Air Bound! So fun and excited!
Already being put to work:) Cal was a big help!!
Cal is getting so big and smart. He is 18 Months now and I can believe how amazing he is...
Brock and I are betting on how long it takes his parents to get sick of us... We are thinking about 3 weeks?... mmm... hopefully never tho!
Raking like a big boy! Grandpa was teaching him how to do it!
Brock starting to pack up some stuff to move!
Visiting Randall for the last time till we get back... he wanted to take a picture (he loves technology)
Picture with Randall!!
Cal loves his daddy's hats... every time he puts them on backwards tho... don't really know why... but it is so cute!!
Still loves Signing Time! He loves to sign and is saying so many words and phrases now... He will be talking in sentences soon!
Playing with Ambree one last time... He is such a good helper... He loves babies and whenever she cries or spits her binkey out he comes and finds me and takes me to help her... so cute! We will miss Ambree!!
This is a really old pic of Cal when he turned 17 months... So you will get the 18 month one soon! AND Now that Cal is 18 months he will start going to NURSERY... Yea!! Well hope you all enjoyed the update!